Package offers
for efficient business

Choose a package offer worthy of your business

Advantages of service at COMINBANK JSC:

  • Opening of current accounts in national and foreign currency, in bankable metals
  • Making payments in hryvnias for operational interaction with internal partners
  • Purchase and sale of foreign currency, conversion and cross-currency payments, payments in foreign currency for foreign economic activities
  • Operational remote account management
  • Enrollment and issuance of cash

For the most efficient business conduct, the Bank offers an optimal set of banking services that will satisfy your needs as much as possible.


Archive of documents and tariffs

Frequently asked questions

How long does it take to open an account in Banking outlet?

Subject to the provision of a full package of documents - within a day

What is included in the cost of account maintenance?
  • Opening of accounts,
  • servicing in the PAYCIB electronic banking system,
  • transfer of funds within JSC COMINBANK,
  • receiving/crediting funds to the accounts of JSC COMINBANK clients.
Can I manage my account remotely?

Yes, using the PAY CIB electronic banking system.