Joint Stock Company ‘COMINBANK’ is a universal bank that has been providing professional and qualified services to individuals, small and medium-sized businesses, and large enterprises for 30 years. Registered by the NBU on 3 December 1993, registration certificate No. 219.
On 18 October 2022, the bank changed its name to JSC COMINBANK and is the legal successor of all property, rights and obligations of JSC CIB.
On 26 October 2022, COMINBANK became a double winner of the XIV All-Ukrainian competition ‘Bank of the Year 2022’. The Bank won in two nominations at once:
‘The Best Bank for Individual Approach to Customers’.
‘Bank with the highest growth dynamics in wartime.
On 20 May 2024, by the decision of the rating committee of the Rating Agency ‘Standard-Rating’, the long-term credit rating of COMINBANK on the national scale was updated at the level of uaААА. A bank with this rating is characterised by the highest creditworthiness compared to other Ukrainian banks.
The bank's shareholders are a foreign investor, Stefan Paul Pinter (UK), who owns 94.86% of the shares, and Alina Kazmina, who owns 5.14% of the shares.
Mr Stefan Paul Pinter - Founder and CEO GML Capital LLP is a private investment banking and management company headquartered in London, United Kingdom. GML Capital LLP was founded in 1983. The firm specialises in emerging market investments and has been active in Ukraine since 1993.
Since 1996, GML Capital LLP has been managing assets and acting as an advisor to investment funds that focus on investing in high yield securities, trading and credit instruments and trade finance in emerging markets. GML Capital LLP is licensed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the United States as a registered investment adviser and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the United Kingdom.
Management bodies
The Bank's governing bodies are the General Meeting of Shareholders, the Supervisory Board, and the Management Board. The Bank has no investments in associates or subsidiaries.
The main strategic goal is further development of the Bank as a reliable universal financial institution focused on maximum satisfaction of shareholders‘ and customers’ interests. The Bank's strategy is aimed at ensuring absolute reliability, high liquidity and impeccable solvency, which is achieved through a prudent credit policy.
On 30 October 2020, COMINBANK was named the winner of the XII ALL-UKRAINIAN COMPETITION ‘BANK OF THE YEAR - 2020’ in the special nomination ‘The Best Bank for Individual Approach to Clients’.
On25 June 2019 , Joint-Stock Company COMINBANK won the nomination ‘THE FIRST BANK FOR ECO-LENDING “ according to the First All-Ukrainian Project ”Financial Institutions of Ukraine: Worthy, Successful, Reliable’.
On15 May 2019, the Chairman of the Management Board of JSC ‘COMINBANK’ Tetiana Putintseva joined the four of the best financiers in the country according to the annual professional award ‘FinAwards’. ‘FinAwards is an annual professional award given to top managers of banks who have achieved significant qualitative results in the development of a financial institution.
On 10 December 2018, the Rating agency ‘Standard-Rating’ (Ukraine) summed up the results of the twenty-third "Rating of bank deposit reliability (attractiveness) ’, compiled on the basis of public information of the NBU and quarterly reports of banks. According to the results of 9 months of 2018, JSC ‘COMINBANK’ was ranked as follows 17th place
in the rating, confirming its position among the market leaders.
According to the results of the X All-Ukrainian contest ‘Bank of the Year-2018’ organised by the international financial club ‘Banker’, Joint-Stock Company ‘COMINBANK’ won in the nomination ‘THE MOST RELIABLE AND STABLE BANK’.
Licences and memberships
The Bank operates in Ukraine on the basis of its charter and banking licence No. 186 dated 21 November 2022.
According to the licenceNational Securities and Stock Market Commission, series AE No. 263254 dated 03.09.2013, the bank carries out professional activities in the stock market - depository activities of a depository institution.
The Bank is a member:
- Independent Association of Banks of Ukraine (NABU)
- Association of Ukrainian Banks (AUB)
- Member of the Professional Association of Capital Markets and Derivatives Participants (PARD)
- Member of the Ukrainian Credit and Banking Union (UCBU)
- MasterCard card payment systems, Visa and PROSTIR
- The Bank has the status of a member of the Deposit Guarantee Fund (certificate No. 106 dated 06.11.2012)
- Bank authorised pay pensions and social benefits
Member of the electronic payment system of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU EPS)
Name: National Bank of Ukraine (Council of the Payment Organisation SEP)
Location: 9 Instytutska St., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601
Date of implementation: 1993
Detailed information about the NBU EPS is available on the NBU website at the link.