A credit history is a set of data about a potential borrower that contains information about the number of loans received in the past and the quality of their servicing (timely and full repayment of debt under a loan agreement, repayment schedule, loan terms, collateral structure, etc.)
Credit histories allow the Bank to decide whether to grant a loan to a customer and in what amount.
Information on the credit history of customers is accumulated by special organizations called Credit Reference Bureaus (Bureau), whose services are used by all banks in Ukraine, and also transmit information about their customers to them.
By applying for a loan and subsequently signing a loan agreement, the client agrees to first verify the information about him/her with the Bureau and then transfer information on the loan agreement.
The client can independently check their credit history on the official website of the Bureau.
COMINBANK JSC cooperates with the largest bureaus of Ukraine:
1. Ukrainian Credit Reference Bureau.
Legal address | 1-D Hrushevskoho St., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01001 |
Address for correspondence | P.O. Box 2733Ю Dnipro, Ukraine, 49044 |
Phone number |
044-585-11-94 (from 8:00 to 20: 00) |
Email address | info@ubki.ua |
Official website | https://www.ubki.ua/ |
2. The first All-Ukrainian Credit Reference Bureau.
Legal address |
Yevhen Sverstiuk St., 11, Kyiv, 02002 |
Address for correspondence |
Yevhen Sverstiuk St., 11, Kyiv, 02002 |
Phone number |
(044) 390-54-70 |
Email address | office@pvbki.com |
Official website | https://www.pvbki.com/ukr/ |