Currency exchange 03.07.2024
Exchange rates for buying and selling foreign currency in cash at branch cash desks
Currency Purchase Selling
USD 40.15 41.00
EUR 43.60 44.10
PLN 9.90 10.40
GBP 50.20 52.00
CHF 44.40 45.90
EUR/USD 1.0700 1.0830

*Conversions over EUR 5 thousand are subject to approval by the Treasurer, (044) 586-54-89. The exchange rate and the list of currencies in the Bank's branches may differ.

** The rate and list of currencies in different branches of the Bank may differ.

Currency exchange On-line
Currency Purchase Selling
USD 40.50 40.90
EUR 43.60 44.10
For payment cards
Currency Purchase Selling
USD 40.40 41.00
EUR 43.30 44.10
For the «Favorable exchange rate» deposit
Currency Rate
USD 40.75
EUR 43.75
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