Global Money Week 2025: students attended a lecture on payment security

On 27 March, Viktoriya Zhezhera, Head of Marketing and Communications at COMINBANK, gave a lecture on ‘Cyber security tips and fraud schemes in wartime’.

The event was organised for students of the Kyiv Trade and Economic College of DTEK as part of COMINBANK's participation in the World Money Week. 

‘In a fast-paced digital world, financial literacy, cybersecurity and secure payments are not a luxury but a vital necessity for our youth. I am sure that everyone who attended the lecture today has received powerful tools to protect themselves and their savings on a daily basis. My sincere wish to the students is to step confidently into the future and be able to create a solid foundation for their own well-being!’ commented Ms Victoria.

COMINBANK thanks the youth for their active participation in the Global Money Week 2025 and the college staff for their assistance in organising the event.

The official theme of Global Money Week in 2025 is ‘Choose reliable financial information, take care of your financial future’.

The official coordinator of the campaign in Ukraine is the National Bank of Ukraine.

You can learn more about the events of Global Money Week 2025 on the landing page

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Joint-stock company "Commercial Industrial Bank"