
Calendar plan for 2019

Special information of the issuer dated 03.01.2019.

Special information of the issuer dated 04.01.2019.

Special information of the issuer dated 08.01.2019.

Special information of the issuer dated 09.01.2019.

Special information of the issuer dated 10.01.2019.

Special information of the issuer dated 11.01.2019.

Special information of the issuer dated 16.01.2019.

Special information of the issuer dated 17.01.2019.

Special information of the issuer dated 18.01.2019.

Special information of the issuer dated 21.01.2019.

Special information of the issuer dated 22.01.2019.

Special information of the issuer dated 23.01.2019.

Special information of the issuer dated 24.01.2019.

Special information of the issuer dated 24.01.2019.

Special information of the issuer dated 25.01.2019.

Special information of the issuer dated 25.01.2019.

Special information of the issuer dated 28.01.2019.

Special information of the issuer dated 29.01.2019.

Special information of the issuer dated 30.01.2019.

Special information of the issuer dated 31.01.2019.

Special information of the issuer dated 01.02.2019.

Special information of the issuer dated 08.02.2019.

Special information of the issuer dated 11.02.2019.

Special information of the issuer dated 12.02.2019.

Special information of the issuer dated 13.02.2019.

Special information of the issuer dated 14.02.2019.

Special information of the issuer dated 18.02.2019.

Special information of the issuer dated 19.02.2019.

Special information of the issuer dated 20.02.2019.

Special information of the issuer dated 21.02.2019.

Special information of the issuer dated 22.02.2019.

Special information of the issuer dated 26.02.2019.

Special information of the issuer dated 27.02.2019.

Special information of the issuer dated 28.02.2019.

Special information of the issuer dated 01.03.2019.

Special information of the issuer dated 05.03.2019.

Special information of the issuer dated 03.04.2019 Signature

Special information of the issuer dated 09.07.2019 Signature

Special information of the issuer dated 16.07.2019 Signature

Special information of the issuer dated 18.07.2019 Signature

Special information of the issuer dated 31.07.2019 Signature

Special information of the issuer dated 01.08.2019 Signature

Special information of the issuer dated 13.08.2019 Signature

Special information of the issuer dated 19.09.2019 Signature

Special information of the issuer dated 20.09.2019 Signature

Special information of the issuer dated 23.09.2019 Signature

Special information of the issuer dated 24.09.2019 Signature

Special information of the issuer dated 25.09.2019 Signature

Special information of the issuer dated 09.10.2019 Signature

Special information of the issuer dated 16.10.2019 Signature

Special information of the issuer dated 21.10.2019 Signature

Special information of the issuer dated 24.10.2019 Signature

Special information of the issuer dated 25.10.2019 Signature

Special information of the issuer dated 28.10.2019 Signature

Special information of the issuer dated 29.10.2019 Signature

Special information of the issuer dated 30.10.2019 Signature

Special information of the issuer dated 31.10.2019 Signature

Special information of the issuer dated 06.11.2019 Signature

Special information of the issuer dated 07.11.2019 Signature

Special information of the issuer dated 29.11.2019 Signature

Special information of the issuer dated 04.12.2019 Signature

Special information of the issuer dated 05.12.2019 Signature

Special information of the issuer dated 06.12.2019 Signature

Special information of the issuer dated 09.12.2019 Signature

Special information of the issuer dated 10.12.2019 Signature

Special information of the issuer dated 12.12.2019 Signature

Special information of the issuer dated 16.12.2019 Signature

Special information of the issuer dated 18.12.2019 Signature

Special information of the issuer dated 19.12.2019 Signature

Special information of the issuer dated 20.12.2019 Signature

Special information of the issuer dated 21.12.2019 Signature

Special information of the issuer dated 24.12.2019 Signature

Special information of the issuer dated 26.12.2019 Signature

Special information of the issuer dated 08.01.2020 Signature

Issuer's report for Q1 2019 Signature

Issuer's report for Q2 2019 Signature

Issuer's report for Q3 2019 Signature

Issuer's report for Q4 2019 Signature

Issuer's report for 2019 Signature

Consolidated financial reporting of the issuer for the 1st quarter of 2019 Signature