To the attention of customers! Changes to the public offer of JOINT STOCK COMPANY "COMINBANK" (for corporate clients)


Dear customers, we would like to inform you that according to the Minutes of the Management Board Meeting of JSC "COMINBANK" No. 18/08-1 dated 18.08.2023, Amendments No. 3 to the Rules for the provision of payment and other services to corporate clients in JSC "COMINBANK" (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) were approved. The amendments mainly concern:

  • description and compliance with the requirements of CRS and the general reporting standard in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine and Other Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Implementation of the International Standard for Automatic Exchange of Information on Financial Accounts" (section 15 of the Rules);
  • definition in the Rules (Sections 4, 6) of the procedures introduced by the terms and conditions of the banking product "Corporate (business) card" (for corporate clients), namely:
  • procedures for providing PINs to the Customers/authorised representatives of the Customer who have been issued corporate (business) cards by the Bank by sending an SMS message with a PIN to their mobile phones (financial phone);
  • clarification of the process of opening a current (card) account, namely, the application for opening a current account is cancelled and the Bank will open a current (card) account on the basis of the Application for Accession No. 7 to the Rules in terms of opening and maintaining a current account, transactions on which are carried out using a payment instrument, and issuing corporate (business) cards;
  • clarifying the details of ATM receipts/checks generated by the Bank (payment service provider) using payment devices based on the results of cash deposit transactions to credit the amount to accounts without using issued payment instruments, the procedure for storing these receipts; clarifying the list of signs of significant wear and tear/damage to foreign currency banknotes accepted by the Bank for collection, etc. (section 3 of the Rules);
  • updating the Rules for the Use of Corporate (Business) Payment Cards (Annex to the Rules).

Amendments No. 3 to the Rules for the provision of payment and other services to corporate clients at JSC "COMINBANK" will come into force on 18.08.2023 (requirements for CRS and cash transactions), on 20.09.2023 (requirements for corporate card).

These amendments to the Rules are available at the link.



Joint-stock company "Commercial Industrial Bank"