secured by real estate

Product Terms

  • Loan currency: hryvnia
  • Interest rate : 22,5%
  • Real interest rate : 25,21%
  • Loan amount: from UAH 50 thousand to UAH 10 million
  • Term : up to 20 years
  • Loan disbursement fee: 1,5%
  • Цільове використання: споживчі потреби


Warning of possible consequences for the Client in case of using the consumer loan service "Loan secured by real estate" (hereinafter referred to as the Loan).

1.Possible consequences for the Client in case of using the banking service or failure to fulfil obligations under the agreement on the provision of this banking service:

The Client has the right to make early repayment of the Loan without additional fees for such repayment.

The Client is not entitled to withdraw from the Loan Agreement, the fulfilment of obligations under which is secured by concluding a notarised mortgage agreement.

The Client shall repay the loan amount, fees and interest for its use in accordance with the terms of the Loan Agreement and the requirements of the legislation of Ukraine.

The Bank and the Client shall be liable for non-fulfilment or improper fulfilment of obligations under the Loan Agreement in accordance with the terms of the Loan Agreement and the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine.

In the cases specified in the Loan Agreement, the Bank has the right to demand early repayment of loan payments and compensation for losses incurred by the breach of the obligation.

The Bank has the right to satisfy the claim for repayment of the loan debt at the expense of the mortgaged real estate, including out of court if there is a corresponding reservation in the mortgage agreement or in a separate agreement concluded with the Bank. The mortgage of property shall be terminated in case of full repayment of the client's debt under the Loan Agreement, expiration of the mortgage agreement or sale of the mortgaged property in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Mortgage".

In case the funds received from the sale of the mortgaged real estate are insufficient to repay the claim under the Loan Agreement, the Bank may foreclose on the client's personal property to repay the loan.

The Bank has the right to enter information into the credit bureau/Credit Register of the National Bank of Ukraine, which may lead to the formation of a negative credit history and be taken into account by the Bank or other financial institutions when making a decision on granting a loan in the future.

The Bank has the right to engage collection companies acting in the interests of the Bank to settle overdue debts. The Client has the right to apply to the National Bank of Ukraine in case of violation by the collection company of the Law of Ukraine "On Consumer Lending" and/or other legislation in the field of consumer lending, including violation of the requirements for interaction with the Borrower in the settlement of overdue debt (requirements for ethical behaviour), as well as to file a claim for compensation for damage caused to the Borrower in the process of settlement of the latter's overdue debt. The collection company shall be liable in accordance with Article 182 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

2.The Bank is prohibited from requiring the Client to purchase any goods or services from the Bank or a related or affiliated person as a prerequisite for the provision of these services (except for the provision of a package of banking services).

3.The Bank shall not have the right to unilaterally amend the agreements concluded with the Clients, unless otherwise provided by the agreement or the law.

4.The Client may refuse to receive advertising materials via remote electronic service channels.

5.After termination of the banking service agreement, including in connection with expiration, termination or performance of such agreement, the Client has the right to request information (certificate) from the Bank regarding the fulfilment by the parties of their obligations under the agreement, including information (certificate) on the absence of debt and fulfilment of the Client's obligations under the agreement in full, which the Bank shall provide in the form of a paper or electronic document (at the Client's option) within five business days from the date of receipt of the request.

Terms of granting credit

  • Borrower's age: from 21 to 65 years.

  • Minimum loan amount: UAH 50,000.

  • Maximum loan amount: up to 70% of the property value, up to UAH 10,000,000.

  • Collateral: apartment, house with a land plot, non-residential premises.

  • Mandatory official employment of the borrower and provision of income information.

  • Guarantor: the borrower's spouse is required, if necessary, a guarantee from a solvent person.

  • Insurance: of the pledged life and health of the Borrower

Rules for banking services for individuals

Loan calculator


Loan repayment:

Period, months
The cost of real estate, UAH
Loan amount, UAH
Calculation result*
Loan amount
Period, month
The cost of real estate, UAH

Total loan costs: UAH
Total loan cost: UAH

Real rate, annual:

*the amounts indicated in the calculation results are for reference only


Type of loan

One-time loan

Account currency


Interest rate

NBU discount rate +2%

Possible loan amount:

The minimum loan amount is UAH 50,000 (fifty thousand).

Maximum loan amount – the ratio between the Loan amount and the estimated value of the mortgage item (LTV ratio) - no more than 70%.

Method of granting a loan:

The loan is granted by bank transfer to the current account/current account using the borrower's payment card opened with the Bank

Commission for granting a loan (one-time):

1.5% of the loan amount

If residential real estate is pledged



Monthly payment for settlement loan servicing: 


Monthly payment for cash and settlement services


Loan repayment:

Monthly using the annuity method or the classic method.

Payment by the 10th day of the month for the previous month or another date (in accordance with the terms of the loan agreement).     

Accrual and payment of interest:

Monthly according to the annuity method (when repaying an annuity loan) or the classical method (when repaying a loan according to the classical method).

The type of interest accrual is actual/actual or actual/360 (in accordance with the terms of the loan agreement). Payment by the 10th day of the month for the previous month or another date (in accordance with the terms of the loan agreement).     

Loan term:

from 12 to 240 months (inclusive)

Purpose of the loan:

the Borrower's own needs

Security form:

The loan is secured by:

Residential real estate (apartments, houses together with land plots);

Commercial real estate.

As an additional security, an individual's guarantee may be issued.

No real estate is accepted as a mortgage if the title to it is not properly registered.

Loan repayment form:

  • at the bank's cash desk by depositing cash to the corresponding account opened with the Bank and specified in the loan agreement;
  • by contractual debiting of funds from the Borrower's current account opened with the Bank on the basis of an application and/or under the terms of the agreement for opening and servicing a current account;
  • at the cash desks of other banks branches in Ukraine by depositing cash to be credited to the current account;
  • by transferring funds from a current account opened with another Bank;
  • via remote channels if it does not contradict the current legislation of Ukraine.


  1. Insurance of the mortgaged property in the amount of 100% of the appraised value of the mortgaged property during the loan term with an insurance company accredited by the Bank.
  2. Life and working capacity insurance of the Borrower (or the Guarantor) in the amount not less than the balance of the actual debt under the Loan for the period of the Loan Agreement in an insurance company accredited by the Bank.  


The assessment of the market value of real estate is carried out by an independent appraiser (from the list accredited by the bank) or a responsible employee of the Bank who has the appropriate open areas of valuation, confirmed by a qualification certificate.  

Notary services:

Paid by the Borrower in accordance with the current tariffs of the notary's office (private notary).

Payment break:

Not provided

Fines and penalties:

In case of violation of its obligations to repay the Loan amount and timely payment of interest and commission fees within the terms specified in the Loan Agreement, the Borrower undertakes to pay a penalty to the Bank in the amount of double the NBU discount rate in force during the period of delay, from the amount of the overdue payment for each day of delay.

The Borrower shall pay a penalty in the amount of 2 (two) % of the balance of the actual debt under the Loan for failure to fulfill obligations under the terms of the relevant Loan Agreement, namely:

If you change your place of residence, place of employment, surname or first name, marital status or other circumstances, contact phone number, notify the Bank within 3 (three) business days from the date of occurrence of these circumstances.

Allow the Bank's representatives to enter the premises of the Mortgaged Property to carry out inspections and assessments related to the control of compliance with the terms of this Agreement.

At the request of the Bank, provide documents related to the Borrower's financial standing.

Without prior approval of the Bank:

  • not to enter into agreements for obtaining new Loans;
  • not to provide your own property as collateral for loans;
  • not to act as a guarantor for the obligations of third parties.

In case of insurance with violation of the Bank's requirements (including untimely insurance / absence of an insurance agreement), set the Interest Rate for the period of violation, calculated according to the formula:

Interest rate = current Interest rate + 5% per annum.

Early repayment:

it is possible without additional commissions and fees

Solvency ratio 




PTI ratio - is defined as the ratio of monthly total expenses of a potential Borrower, including monthly expenses on the requested loan, to the total net income of a potential Borrower.

The optimal value is from 30% to 50%, but should not exceed 50%.

DTI ratio - is defined as the ratio of the total amount of all the Borrower's obligations under loan agreements (including installments on loans from other banks) to the Borrower's net total income for the same period.


Required documents

  • Passport of a citizen of Ukraine (including in the form of an ID card),
  • a document containing the Taxpayer Registration Identification Card Number of Ukraine (or an identification number according to the State Register of individual taxpayers),
  • information about the Borrower's income,
  • information about the property offered as collateral,
  • other documents, the list of which is defined by the banking product.  

Requirements for the Borrower:

  • age - from 21 to 65 years,
  • Individual - a resident, a citizen of Ukraine,
  • employment at the last place of work:
    • for employees - at least 6 months;
    • for individual entrepreneurs and persons engaged in independent professional activities - a period of employment of at least 1 (one) year;
    • for seafarers - availability of
    • contract for the previous 12 months.

Product features/benefits:

  • loan amount, 
  • possibility of repair,
  • buying expensive items,
  • improving housing conditions
  • etc.

Product disadvantages:

  • burden on the consumer when paying back the principal debt and interest for using credit funds
  • expenses when applying for a Loan (Bank Commission, notary services, insurance, etc.)
  • threat of loss of collateral in case of violation of the repayment terms of the loan debt.

Loan calculator "Loan secured by real estate"


Archive of documents and tariffs

Frequently asked questions

What additional costs may be incurred when applying for a loan to purchase real estate or secured by real estate?

1. Insurance of the collateral item and the life and working capacity of the borrower – approximately 0.3%.

2. Payment of notarization of the mortgage agreement – approximately 0.1% of the collateral value + 5 000 UAH..

3.The Bank's Commission for granting a loan is from 1.5% to 2%.

I am not officially employed, can I get a loan from JSC "COMINBANK"?

Yes, if you receive a regular monthly income that can be documented.

Can I get a loan from JSC "COMINBANK" if I am registered as a sole proprietor?

Yes, if you have been registered for at least 1 year and provide an income tax return.